I clean houses and do ironing for living. 25 years behind a mop and a steam station. I do between anywhere from 6 to 12 hours of ironing per week. It’s hard work particularly in summer but hey that what air con is for right 🤷‍♀️I get to listen to my favourite music and watch all my favourite movies and tv series while I work. Not too bad really. I iron everything from bed linen to tablecloths and tea towels, business shirts, polo shirts, kids stuff, dresses….you name it I’ve ironed it.

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Of course! If I can fold things straight out of the dryer if I haven’t hung them in the clothes line I will. But at least the outfit at the start of the day needs to be not look like it’s been dragged out of the bottom of the basket.

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I own an iron & use it MAYBE 5 times a year. I bought a pair of pants that MUST be ironed so I don’t wear them as often as I could.

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I iron on Sundays while listening to podcasts. It’s a meditation of sorts. I don’t like ironing but love my wardrobe when everything is ironed.

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I iron as little as possible but definitely do iron some things. They look terrible otherwise.

And on the journaling, I’ve recently dropped a ton of things that I was obsessing about. I used to track my sleep obsessively. I would analyse it every morning. I stopped wearing my Apple Watch to bed. The freedom that came was amazing to the point that I now don’t wear an Apple Watch at all. No step counting, or heart rate monitoring. I hadn’t realised how obsessed I’d got with all the data. I feel so much better without it.

But meditation is something I want to be doing daily and don’t. I think journalling sounds pretty healthy to me. But it’s a fine line between healthy and obsessed. I’m hoping to add meditation without it feeling like that. We’ll see.

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Ironing…..absolutely!! The only thing I don’t iron is underwear. Perhaps it’s an age thing. I’m 70!! I don’t hand anything in my wardrobe until it’s ironed. Everything ready to go!!

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